
A dingo is a wolf that mainly lives in Australia. It can survive in deserts, grasslands, and forests as long as there near water. They communicate by howling and whimpering. Barking is usually a warning signal. In warm climates they are nocturnal and in cooler climates they stay awake during the daytime. Dingos have a broad head and a pointed muzzle.There canines are long and sharp and there eyes tend to be yellow, orange, or brown. There fur's length and thickness depends on where the dingo lives. It could be sandy, reddish-brown, tan, black, light brown,and sometimes white.

A dingos diet is made up of 170 species. They eat red kangaroo, swamp wallaby, cattle, rats, geese, possum, rabbit, pig, lizards, wombat, fish, crab, beetles, seal, and even penguin.
Dingos usually travel alone but some actually have packs made up of three to twelve.
The causes of death for these animals are humans, crocodiles, dogs, other dingos, starvation, dehydration, snakebite, and injures during hunting. Sickness is another way. Dingos can get the same diseases as domestic dogs. 38 different kinds of parasites can be found on a dingo. this can cause canine distemper, heart worms, hook worms, lung worms, whip worms, hepatitis, ticks and lice.
Usually dingos are very shy towards humans. But sometimes awful thing happen. Dingos were fed by humans so they got used to them. In past reports it show attacks on small children. It is now illegal to feed them.