Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen

    He was born June 20, 1901 as Edward Anthony Masen. His parents were Edward and Elizabeth Masen. His father was a very successful lawyer and was able to afford many things for his son like lessons and private school. His father was always gone on business so Edward had a strong relationship with his mom. World War one was there for most of his life and he dreamed of the day he could enlist to join it. His mother would pray every night that it would end before his 18th birthday. Awhile before his birthday the Spanish influenza hit Chicago. All of Edwards family got sick from it and were dying. Edward's mother begged her doctor to save her son. Some how she new what he was. His name was Carlisle Cullen and was a vampire. She convinced him to do what he been thinking about for a long time, to create a partner. That night he took Edward and changed him. He was the first to discover his ability to read minds. After his transformation he and Carlisle bonded and thought of him like a father. Ten years later Esme joined the coven after trying to comet suicide. She and Carlisle got married and are still a couple. Edward grew to think of her as his mother. After a decade with them he was angry with Carlisle  changing him into a vampire and went of to hunt like most, drinking human blood. He used his gift to read people's mind and see who were killers and criminals. But after awhile he couldn't do it any more and went back to Carlisle and Esme in 1931. They were worried he was lonely years later.Carlisle brought Rosalie into the family next hoping she would be a couple with Edward. But Edward could hear her thoughts and thought of her as shallow. They were always only brother and sister. When they returned to forks in 2003 he then met Bella Swan and came to fall in love with her.


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