Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rosalie Lillian Cullen

Rosalie Cullen

     Rosalie was a daughter of a banker who lived quite well in a Great Depression. Her parents wanted to be in a higher social circle and wanted to use Rosalie's looks to do so. Rosalie didn't mind though and it made her happy that her parents thought she was pretty. As she grew older her looks increased. Her parents loved to buy her clothes and her friends would envy her. With all the attention it made her self-absorbed and shallow. At eighteen she was considered the prettiest girl in Rochester, and possibly New York. Rosalie envied no one except her friend Vera. Vera had a husband and a baby boy named Henry. Rosalie longed for a husband and a baby of her own. She soon caught the eye of Royce King II, the son of the richest man in Rochester. This is what she wanted. Her parents were thrilled and made wedding plans soon after. One night, a week before the wedding, Rosalie was walking home when she saw Royce and his friends drunk. She never saw him drunk and didn't know of the dark side he held. Soon she was left for dead on the street. Carlisle found her and transformed her. One of the first things she did was to go after Royce and his friends saving Royce for last because she wanted him to suffer. She tortured them one by one, but was repulsed to have their blood in her. Rosalie was still sad to think of her dreams of having a baby were gone. Two years later, while in  Tennessee she found Emmet about to be finished off by a bear. She reminded her of Vera's son for some reason and saved him from the bear. She felt selfish for having him turned but when it was over he didn't see her as selfish and they both fell in love with each other. And marry every ten years or so.

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