Thursday, January 10, 2013

Esme Cullen

Esme Cullen

     Esme grew up on a family farm and didn't act the way a teenager should have in that time. One day she broke her leg falling out of a tree and since her doctor was away had to get a new one. Her doctor was Carlisle Cullen. She never mentioned to anyone but she had a crush on him and even though he left she remembered him. As her friends were getting married she was the only one who didn't wed. She asked her father if she could become a school teacher but he said she had to be married. A family friend named Charles Evenson wanted her hand in marriage and to make her father happy married him quickly. After awhile she found that he had two sides. He would physically abuse her and asked her parents for help but said to be a good wife and keep quite. He left to fight in World War one which brought great relieve to her. When he came back in 1919 it was a nightmare. Soon after his return she became pregnant. The baby was her way to leave. She fled to a cousins house until he learned were she was a left. She then went to Ashland, Wisconsin where she pretended to we a war widow. She built a life for her and her unborn baby, which she became to love more than her own life. Two days after her son was born he died of lung fever. She was so devastated she felt like she had nothing and jumped off a cliff outside of town. She regained consciousness in excruciating pain. Esme was amazed to see Carlisle again and wasn't sure if she was in heaven or hell. Carlisle explained what he had done to save her life. Esme took it better than he had expected.  It had it's challenges to face and sometimes she couldn't resist the human blood. She married Carlisle and felt like a mother to Edward and the rest when they joined.

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